Spam blocker

Spam blocker2020-02-12T01:13:37+00:00

Salient IT Support
› Spam Blocker

Hackers perform mass mailing to bombard target users with thousands of spam mails. Most of the spam mails are sent from users’ infected systems forming a zombie network. The IT security industry offers a range of Spam Blockers to encounter these spam mails ensuring your protection. It’s crucial to utilize all security technologies like antivirus, firewall, and others to ensure the best and most effective virus protection.

Hosted Exchange Spam Blocker

How to Block Spam emails using Spam Blocker?


Spam Blocker identifies and blocks suspicious and unsolicited emails from the users’ inbox. Older versions check for and divert email with specific word patterns, frequency and subject lines that appear malicious – however, experts find this method was not very effective. Spam Blocker use blacklists with updated malware versions and incorporates sophisticated security technologies to rule out any opportunistic spam and other malware infections from entering an email.

How to block spam emails using spam blocker

  1. Avoid sharing financial and personal information through emails – You might end up sharing all your confidential information to a hacker
  2. Never respond to suspicious looking emails that requests you to share sensitive information
  3. Check the website before you share any personal or sensitive information
  4. Check the website URL. Most of the malware-infected websites look identical to genuine websites – however, the website URL has some spelling errors that is mostly unnoticed
  5. If you are not sure if the email is genuine or malicious, check if it is legitimate by contacting the company
  6. Install an effective anti-phishing software or spam blocker with the latest updates to ensure protection from the latest security risks. This isolates malicious content and prevents your exposure to malicious content
  7. Avoid logging in to your bank account or any other shopping website by clicking a link received through e-mail
  8. Above all practice healthy cyber hygiene equipped with a good security software

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